Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Outrage of the day.

Do you ever imagine shopping in the "old days?" You know, you'd walk in, tip your hat and say "Good day, Shopkeeper." You're a man in this scenario, obviously. Ladies didn't do the whole hat-tipping bit, I'm pretty sure. You could just walk up to the counter and tell the gent what you needed, and he'd fetch it for you. He'd even tie it all up with a string and send you on your way. He probably knew your name, your family and your usual list of required items.

Of course, times have changed. We shop online much of the time. Most men don't wear hats and if they do, well, they aren't taking them off for much else other than the National Anthem. Well, I am here to tell you that shopping today is a sad state of affairs compared to those days of yore (that admittedly might be based on reading the Little House on the Prairie series when I was younger). Sometimes when you walk into a store, no one even acknowledges you. It's awful. And, quite frankly, it makes me ten times less likely to make a purchase. I don't need someone following me around, but get with the program, peeps. A friendly "hello" and "how are you" (or "good day" if you're feeling nostalgic) make a big difference.

Furthermore, it makes me feel bad when I am not greeted. It is not as if I dress grungily or don't wash my hair don't comb my hair. Why don't you acknowledge my presence, pray tell?

I had one of those incidents recently. I walked into the store to no acknowledgement. There were three employees at the cash register, chatting, ignoring my very presence. I tried to shake it off. After all, there were lots of cute dresses and tops (AND on sale). Very soon, I had my arms full of garments for the trying. Yet no one came to me and asked me to start a fitting room. Very well, I will help myself to a fitting room. I tried on my picks, vetoed some, loved others, and walked out of the fitting room. I nearly walked into a salesperson. She sneered and continued on her path.

Seriously. I continued to peruse, holding onto the top that I just adored. Sadly, the employees just watched me, not saying a word. So do you know what I did? I took that top and put it on the WRONG RACK and walked out.

While I don't need you to fetch me anything and everything and tie it up with a string, I do appreciate common courtesy. If you don't provide me with a little respect as an individual who desires to spend money in your store, I will serve you up with a slice of my own passive-aggressive pie.

Good day to you. B*tches.

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